Sunday, September 1, 2013

Feature 1: Advanced Cities

We ancient Egyptians are very proud of our advanced cities. Why shouldn't we be? For Ra's sake I, Pharaoh Menes founded Memphis in 3,000 BC!

You see, I am very proud of the great city that I founded. Another one of our advanced cities is the city of Giza.

  • Latitude: 30°00′30″ N Longitude: 31°12′43″ E
  • Giza on map (Made with paint. Blank map coppied from internet.) 
  •  Great Sphinx
  • Great Pyramid (Made by my good friend Pharaoh Khufu)
  • Other advanced pyramids
One of the reasons our cities were so advanced  was because we built them along the Nile River. Once a year the great river floods and we used that to our advantage. We came up with an amazing irigation system, we had great farming, and we were able to create a calendar to predict when the next flood would come.

We also used the river as transportation. It was like a um...what do you call it? A highway? We used it to get from one city to another and for trading our crops.

Yes indeed our cities were very advanced. Shame they couldn't last forever....Oh my! Would you look at the time! I am going to be late for Khufu's dinner party. Well I must go change my cloth so that I may look as fine as a mummy can.

Maa al salama (Goodbye)
-Pharaoh Menes

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