Thursday, September 5, 2013

Egypt's Greatest Accomplishment

I believe that Ancient Egypt's is their whole method of building pyramids. When you really think about it it is amazing that 3,000 years ago they were able to stack 1,000s of blocks that individually weighed 2 tons each.It amazes me that they were able to make a block that weighed that much. Even their tools were an amazing accomplishment.  I think that what astounds me the most is that the pyramids were actually tombs.

They were underground which is amazing because they had to dig the underground part out by hand. Also, in to tomb part of it they buried their dead with things for the 'after life.' They put inside everything that would be needed. They put food and water. They put chamber pots. They put clothes, makeup, jewelery, and amulets. They put anything that the person could ever possibly need or want.

The Egyptians had many amazing inventions and accomplishments, but I personally believe that the pyramids were the greatest and best of them all.

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